
How To Say Day In Hebrew

Have you always wanted to learn Hebrew? Only.... never had a take a chance to learn? This will show you how to speak modern Hebrew. With just a couple of words y'all're good to go.

For the ease of studying, this list has been divided into relatively small groups of words.

This list is incomplete and additions y'all know are always welcome and encouraged.


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    Greetings [1]

    • Hi/Adieu - Shalom (שלום)
    • How are yous? (to a male) - Ma Shlomcha (מה שלומך)
    • How are you? (to a female) - Ma Shlomech (מה שלומך)
    • See you after - L'hitraot (להתראות)
    • Good luck- B'hatslacha (בהצלחה)
    • Thank yous - Todah (תודה)
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    Basic words

    • In that location is - Yeish (יש)
    • There is not - Ein (אין)
    • Yes - Ken (כן)
    • No - Lo (לא)
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    Common speech

    • I want - Ani rotzeh (אני רוצה)
    • That - Asher (אשר)
    • This - Zeh/Zat (זה/זאת)
    • Was - Hayah (היה)
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    Interrogative [2]

    • What - Ma (מה)
    • Where - Eifoh (איפה)
    • Who - Mi (מי)
    • Why - Lamah (למה)
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    • Deciding - Makhelit (מחליט)
    • Drinking - Shote (שוטה)
    • Eating - Ochel (אוכל)
    • Hug - Chibuk (חיבוק)
    • Kiss - Nesheeka (נשיקה)
    • Lighting - Madlik (מדליק)
    • Reading - Koreh (קורא)
    • Proverb - Omer (אמר)
    • Walking - Holekh (הולך)
    • Washing - Rochetz (רוחץ)
    • Writing (M) - Kotev (כותב)
    • Writing (F) - Kotevet (כותבת)
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    Adjectives [3]

    • Good - Tov (טוב)
    • Bad - Rah (רע)
    • Big; Large - Gadol (גדול)
    • Footling; Pocket-size - Katan (קטן)
    • Fast - Maher (מהר)
    • Tedious - Leat (לאט)
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    Pronouns [4]

    • Me - Ani (אני)
    • Yous (male person) - Atah (אתה)
    • Y'all (female) - At (את)
    • Them - Atem/Aten (אתם/אתן)
    • They - Heim/Hein (הם/הן)
    • He - Hu (הוא)
    • She - Hi (היא)
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    • Boy - Yeled (ילד)
    • Children - Yeladim (ילדים)
    • Girl - Yaldah (ילדה)
    • Human - Ish (איש)
    • Men - Anashim (אנשים)
    • Woman - Isha (אישה)
    • Women - Nashim (נשים)
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    Numbers [five]

    • Ane - Echad/Achat (אחד/אחת)
    • Two - Shnayim/Shtayim (שנים/שתיים)
    • Three - Shlosha/Shalosh (שלושה/שלוש)
    • Four - Arba'ah/Arba (ארבעה/ארבע)
    • Five - Chamisha/Chamesh (חמישה/חמש)
    • 6 - Shisha/Shesh (שישה/שש)
    • Seven - Shivaa/Sheva (שבעה/שבע)
    • Viii - Shmoneh/Shmona (שמונה)
    • Nine - Tisha/Teisha (תשעה/תשע)
    • Ten - Asara/Eser (עשרה/עשר)
    • Twenty - Esrim (עשרים)
    • Xxx - Shloshim (שלושים)
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    Relative position

    • Left - Smol (שמול)
    • Right - Yamin (ימין)
    • Above - Al (על)
    • Below - Tachat (תחת)
    • Between - Bein (בין)
    • At that place - Sham (שם)
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    Nutrient [6]

    • Bread - Lechem (לחם)
    • Cake - Oogah (עוגה)
    • Cookie - Oogiya (עוגייה)
    • Meat - Basar (בשר)
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    • Apple - Tapuach (תפוח)
    • Assistant - Banana (בננה)
    • Orange - Tapuz (תפוז)
    • Pineapple - Ananas (אננס)
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    • Garlic - Shum (שום)
    • Onion - Batzal (בצל)
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    • Air conditioner - Mazgan (מזגן)
    • House - Bayit (mutual noun)/Beit (proper noun) (בית)
    • Door - Delet (דלת)
    • Key - Mafteach (מפתח)
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    • Hat - Kovah (כובע)
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    • Bed - Mitah (מיטה)
    • Chair - Kise (כיסא)
    • Table - Shulchan (שולחן)
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    In the kitchen

    • Cup - Kos (כוס)
    • Fork - Mazleg (מזלג)
    • Kitchen - Mitbach (מטבח)
    • Microwave - Mikrogal (מיקרוגל)
    • Napkin - Mapit (מפית)
    • Refrigerator - Makrer (מקרר)
    • Towel - Magevet (מגבת)
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    • Belly - Beten (בטן)
    • Ear - Ozen (אוזן)
    • Middle - Ayin (עין)
    • Foot/Leg - Regel (רגל)
    • Paw/Arm - Yad (יד)
    • Head - Rosh (ראש)
    • Oral cavity - Peh (פה)
    • Nails - Tzipornayim (ציפורניים)
    • Nose - Af (אף)
    • Tooth - Shen (שן)
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    • Flower - Perach (פרח)
    • Plant - Tzemach (צמח)
    • Star - Kokhav (כוכב)
    • Sun - Shemesh (שמש)
    • Tree - Etz (עץ)
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    Animals [7]

    • Cat - Chatul (חתול)
    • Domestic dog - Kelev (כלב)
    • Fish - Dag (דג)
    • Lion - Aryeh (אריה)
    • Monkey - Kof (קוף)
    • Mouse - Akhbar (עכבר)
    • Sus scrofa - Chazir (חזיר)
    • Tiger - Namer (נמר)
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    • Car - Mechonit (מכונית)
    • Gasoline - Delek (דלק)
    • Road - Derekh (דרך)
    • Street - Rechov (רחוב)
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    • Money - Kesef (כסף)
    • Coin - Matbeha (מטבע)
    • Wallet - Arnak (ארנק)
    • Shop - Hanut (חנות)
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    • Book - Sefer (ספר)
    • Workbook - Hoveret (חוברת)
    • Pencil - Iparon (עיפרון)
    • Pen - Et (עט)
    • Eraser - Mahak (מחק)
    • Pencil case - Kalmar (קלמר)
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    • Telephone - Telefon (טלפון)
    • Cellphone - Pelefon (פלאפון)
    • Computer - Machshev (מחשב)
    • Figurer - Machshevon (מחשבון)
    • Internet - Internet (אינטרנט)
    • Camera - Matzlema (מצלמה)
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    • Brush - Meevreshet (מברשת)

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    How exercise I say "I am fine" in Hebrew?

    Community Answer

    "Ani" ways "I" and "beseder" means "fine". Ani beseder = I am fine = אני בסדר.

  • Question

    How practice I say "female parent" and "begetter"?

    Community Answer

    Information technology is pronounced "aba" for begetter and "eema" (אִמָא) for mother.

  • Question

    How practice I say the word "and"?

    Community Answer

    Add together the Hebrew letter "ו" directly earlier the discussion, and it is pronounced "ve" except before the letters "ב,מ,פ" and sheva, so its pronounced "O."

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  • Recall that unlike English, which is read from left to right, Hebrew is read from correct to left.

  • It is a adept mode to memorize the words so have someone test you lot. Strive for improve scores and go on practicing!

  • Don't forget that Hebrew has female and masculine.

Show More than Tips

  • Many English words that have multiple meanings have a different Hebrew word for each of those meanings. For example, the English word there at the beginning of a sentence in Hebrew is yeish (יש). The word in that location at the end of a sentence is sham (שם).

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